Backlog – I drank this yesterday at the office. I thought I was “over” bagged teas but there is something about the convenience of them at work that is definitely appealing.
I’ve had a box of this tea forever and I believe I drank the last bag yesterday. As an experiment I decided to pour this over ice and it was really good that way. the ginger is very strong but I like that because it seems to be good for digestion as well as allergies. Not for the faint of heart. I might need to get some more of this someday for those afternoons/evenings when I’m looking for no caffeine.
Sometimes you just don’t want to fuss—it’s good to have a small and reliable arsenal of bagged stuff around.
I drink bagged tea almost exclusively at the office now. It really is so convenient. And it avoids me having to explain to every passerby what my tea paraphernalia is and what I’m doing with it. LOL!
Sometimes you just don’t want to fuss—it’s good to have a small and reliable arsenal of bagged stuff around.
I drink bagged tea almost exclusively at the office now. It really is so convenient. And it avoids me having to explain to every passerby what my tea paraphernalia is and what I’m doing with it. LOL!
I actually really like this one. And it’s great to have around for tummy upsets and colds.
Any time my co-workers rib me about my baggies of leaves, I just tell them, “Bring me some hot water and I will be happy to show you what this is!”