I’m going to tell you straight out….the only reason i ordered this…blindly i might add… is because it is alled queen Catherine…and my first name is Catherine…silly huh.
This is my first cup of this. I’m a little surprised. Maybe I am not used to so many breakfast teas. But it is a breakfast tea…which is why I made it with breakfast. It has a rich smokey almost tobacco note to it that lingers at the end, yet it isn’t a very hearty cup. It’s even kinda nice iced. It could def hold it’s own with milk and sugar. Tho I drank it straight and I like it that way. In a strange way, I think it makes a very suitable substitute for coffee in the morning. It’s like your still getting that roasted kind of brew. It’s very nice.

Ok actually this is pretty gorgeous iced….upping my rating a bit for that. There’s nothing watered down about this tea on ice. Queen Catherine is a lady that can hold her own!

Boiling 5 min, 0 sec

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I’m a cookie and dessert blogger from Texas….sort of. I love tea…always have…but since my husband and I cut out our nightly glass of wine the tea obsession has begun. Now I can’t get enough tea! I’m so glad I found this community. I learn a lot and it’s really fun.


Katy Tx



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