433 Tasting Notes
This is one of the more unusual smelling teas I’ve ever tried—the strawberry and rose notes are really strong, with the vanilla in the background. Taste-wise, it’s not quite as exotic… the strawberry stands out the most to me, with just a touch of vanilla and the rose is pretty much lost in the equation. I’m more than halfway through my box of this, and I’m still undecided about how much I like it. At first I definitely wasn’t impressed, but it’s kind of grown on me when I’m in the right mood for it. I think my nose fools my brain into thinking it’s an herbal blend (I don’t drink herbal teas), and so it’s hard for me to allow myself to like it.
One of my good friends in California sent me this, once upon a time, and I asked her to get me more after I ran out. This is my third box (they’re small, so they go fast) and I’m almost out again.
This is kind of a special occasion tea for me… if I know it’s going to be a rough day, I’ll grab this to bring to work to make the day a little better. I really like it—great flavour!
I’m finally down to my last bag of this—it used to be a favourite, but my interest in it waned. The rum adds an interesting twist to the black tea (and it smells really good and a tiny bit boozy), but overall it’s a pretty bland tea. I barely get any vanilla from it, and the black tea is really generic. I probably won’t bother buying more.