433 Tasting Notes
This is my go-to upset stomach tea and wow do I have an upset stomach today. Unfortunately it wasn’t as effective as it usually is, but it did help a bit. I can’t say that I would ever drink this tea for the taste, and it didn’t help that I over-steeped it so it was extra strong today but I kind of had to force myself to drink it. Usually it’s much easier on the taste buds.
Really, there are so many mediocre earl grey blends out there… and this is one of them. I generally like Twinings, but I am definitely not impressed with this tea. Really, it seems like a cardinal sin to make a bad earl grey blend. It’s just that much more disappointing.
I got a bag of (what I’m assuming is) this from the Traveling Tea Box and it’s not bad. It wasn’t marked, so I don’t know for sure if it’s orange pekoe but it’s a black blend. Pretty generic but it does the job… I’m on my second cup of the day so I wasn’t feeling very fancy this go ‘round. I’d say it’s on par with any other basic store-bought black tea blend.
I always like this more than I’d remembered liking it (if that makes any sense)… I never look forward to drinking it but when I do, it’s actually pretty good. I’m not a big peach fan in general so I think that’s why it normally doesn’t tempt me much. It definitely has a strong peach flavour and scent but it’s not overbearing. It’s a nice change from the other flavoured black teas I tend to drink, and especially good on a cold fall day!
I used to drink Grandma’s Tummy Mint and then couldn’t find it any more. I have terrible digestive issues, spend a lot of time in a lot of pain. Tension Tamer saves me on many of those days. I brew it with a bag of just straight chamomile (or Sleepy Time or Sweet Dreams, whatever someone remembered to buy ;→) and it helps a lot. I don’t know why. It’s good for really stressy days too. Good stuff & tastes good too!