Another of the second set of TeaFrog samples. It’s taken me until the afternoon to be able to have a cup of decent caffeine as I had to run to the last T-ball game of the season this morning and then had to go grocery shopping. Oh, and I need to brag for a second. My kindergartener is now a first grader! Last day of school was last Thursday. He had a stellar report card. (I’m still a little weirded out by the fact that you’re expected to be able to read, write and do math in kindergarten these days.) They don’t get letter grades, but the highest is a + and he straight plusses in the “academic” subjects. Of course, then there were the behavior grades…
I am not able to get a strong smell from the dry leaves even if I stick my nose down in the sample packet. What I smell is a sort of fruitiness which I’m not sure is the tea. I actually think what I’m smelling is the plastic of the packet itself. But I don’t know for sure. Brewed, though, it does have a rich, somewhat sweet, somewhat biscuity aroma.
In taste, the word “stout” comes to mind. It isn’t the strongest breakfast blend I’ve had, but it is strong, and hearty. Though I’m drinking it alone, I do think it would be good with a big, meaty breakfast. Certainly with eggs. There’s something about the flavor and the body that feels like it would cut through bacon grease and neutralize the saltiness of cured meats. It’s got some astringency to it, and though there’s a suggestion of bitterness around the edges, it isn’t truly bitter. I’m thinking 3:30 though instead of 4 minutes steeping time.
Awww, thanks. Six is really an awesome age. They’re still largely innocent and unformed but they’re starting to be able to do so much real people can do. I am somewhat unusual in that I’ve enjoyed every age so far, but there is something very special about this one. Very special indeed.
I agree! At the library I’m in charge of the 3rd-5th grade storytimes, and I love it. But my favorite is the K-2nd. Those kids are just the most fun and not selfconscious in the least bit. I always enjoy subbing for that group’s storytimes :D
Congratulations to your little man :D
Awww, thanks. Six is really an awesome age. They’re still largely innocent and unformed but they’re starting to be able to do so much real people can do. I am somewhat unusual in that I’ve enjoyed every age so far, but there is something very special about this one. Very special indeed.
I agree! At the library I’m in charge of the 3rd-5th grade storytimes, and I love it. But my favorite is the K-2nd. Those kids are just the most fun and not selfconscious in the least bit. I always enjoy subbing for that group’s storytimes :D
I absolutely adored the time I spent with 1st graders during my student teaching rotation! They are so adorable and always surprised me by what they could accomplish in school.