This is a raw fresh Sheng I immediately felt in love with! Already the scent which conquers your whole scenting experience within a blink of an eye contains such a fresh, cold high mountain atmosphere. I can literally feel the mist covering those mountains within the first morning hours while you breath in this fresh and slightly soaked wet air af
ter a rainy night. The balance of the actual taste is simple said “Breath taking” – it is so well composed with such a distinct floral and fruity sweet atmosphere plus a lovely touch of a beeswax & honey note to it but different as I am normally used to (in a good way). Because most of the time those raw Shengs are quite similar within their typical nuances – what I mean is “Honey and Beeswax” so far it is noticeable it unfolds in most of the cases in a similar profile but not this guy. And again you can literally taste those mountains, all its environment from the soil, to the rocks and minerals, the fresh springs and plants surrounding that area. I love it! Definitely gonna buy the whole cake soon!