133 Tasting Notes
Back to the old routine after yesterday’s green marathon…
This is an okay tea – definitely not heavy on the hazelnut. Admittedly, I use a lot of leaf which I don’t mind because this is pretty cheap compared to coffee – something I tell myself I want, but don’t drink because its a little too strong. So this will tide me over until I can find something that pops more in both the hazelnut flavor and tea’s strength (caffeine)…
Side note – I did find some brown rice, popped and unpopped, in the hazelnut tin. Sifted those out, but still used them to brew it in the tea. While not noticeable, I think it probably brought out a little of the toasty nuttiness of the tea.
It is Green Tea Tuesday around here – Dragonwell, Hojicha and Genmaicha. Time to get some flavored greens in the mix!
I found one individually wrapped bag of this and realized that I’ve been hanging on to it for 5 months now. I picked it (along with a few other of Revolution’s individually wrapped teabags) up from a gas station between seeing my family and driving 5 hours north to see the husband’s family.
In an effort to continue today’s green tea consumption I made this. Dry bag smells mostly like a minty green tea – strange. No where on the packaging does it say “Mint”. But I push forward. Brewed at the below parameters with 8 oz of water, all I taste is a slightly minty green tea. There’s no chocolate; no orange in my cup. Oh, the disappointment… Revolution you lured me with the orange and chocolate left me hanging with a green mint. :(
WOW! Just WOW!
I think this is an amazing tea! First off, the dry leaf is so pretty – white tea leaves blended with blue cornflowers, dried shredded coconut and sprinkled with safflowers. The smell of cream and coconut fill the nose. Ooooooo!
The taste matches the strength of the smell – creamy, creamy coconut. The smell and taste are quite strong, but I’m not complaining. I really like strong teas in general.
Currently I’m enjoying this iced, but it’s also good hot – which is a reason why I’ll probably keep it stocked in my cupboard. It’s also good without sweetener, but I find that adding a little takes it over the top! :)
This is the second white tea I’ve tried recently and am finding that I’m liking them more than I thought I would. (I’m more partial to flavored blacks.) Who knows, maybe I’ve been lucky with my choices. Whatever it is, I’m looking forward to finding more delicious offerings of white tea!
I’m very much in the mood for creamy today even though it’s hot out. I think it has to do with the AC being on. You see, I’m very sensitive to temperature changes, and my husband is very sensitive to heat. He usually wins this battle by putting on the air. I end up putting on longer layers to stay warm… and drinking hot tea!
To soothe the need to put cream and sugar in my cup, I decided chai would fit the bill. I’m also feeling a bit nutty. Hazelnut Chai is checking off all my wants.
My cups of chai are always sweetened with a healthy dose of dairy. I like this particular blend because its not black pepper-spicy. It’s not my favorite ingredient in chai. The more it has in it, the more I feel I have to compensate it with sugar. So I tend to lean more toward chai has has pepper toward the bottom of the ingredient list, if its in there at all.
This is nutty and comforting – just what I’m feeling like! :)
I really haven’t tried too many nutty teas, but am constantly looking for new ones to try.
Having said that, I do like Adagio’s Hazelnut black. I’m really heavy-handed on the leaf with that one though, mostly because it’s cheap and I can get it pretty easily. It’s also one of the nuttier teas that I’ve had that doesn’t have other flavors added to it.
I enjoy the Mocha Nut Mate by Adagio too. It tastes more nutty and earthy to me than chocolate.
Some Steepsters have also said that ATR’s Brioche is good – calling it a almond pastry. I find it more of a bready, bakey taste that has a back note of nuttiness.
I know toasty is not really nutty, but I find they are kind of similar. To that I’d say Rishi’s Houjicha green tea and American Tea Room’s Genmaicha are also really good.
Hope that helps. :)
Woah, that’s a lot of teas there. Thank you a lot, I surely will be looking forward to buying some of there! :)
I realize I might be in the minority here. This particular blend did not make it into my home because I love, like or even really know much of the work Jane Austen has produced. I’m not a literary buff, let alone much of a novel-reader. Sadly, I just don’t have the attention span. I do love a good blend and if it combines vanilla, cream and some kind of fruit, I’m in!
Second tea of the day and I’m hoping for better results.
The leaf smells promising – My nose is quite happy with the blackberry and creaminess of vanilla. Yum! I already have plans to dirty up this blend, latte style.
Brewed up the regular black tea route (boiling, 3 minute steep), using 4 tsp. for 8oz. I know I used quite a bit of leaf, but I do plan on putting half and half and simple syrup in it. I did taste it pre additives. It’s quite bitter, but not in a spine-tingling way. The blackberry is less noticeable, but the creaminess is still there. I imagine I’d like this without the additions, but with less leaf.
Post additives, it’s decent. I lost some of the blackberry. It’s still there, but more subtle. The creamer and sweetener added to the creaminess of the tea. This version is really comforting.
Next time I’ll try this a little less dirty…
EDIT: As my latte cools, the blackberry is peeking out more! :D
Last month my husband went to Chicago on business. Being the opportunist I am, I looked at the hotel where he was staying – it was 4 blocks away from an Adagio store. So I sent him packing with a list of teas to get while he was there. :)
I had originally requested a sample of their Almond black tea, but they didn’t have any in store. The girl helping my husband with the order gave him a sample of this, saying that it tastes better than the one I initially wanted.
I’m finding that I need to use a lot of leaf to get the desired result. The first time I tried this I used 2 tsp. of leaf for 8 ounces. It was alright, but very light tasting. I really prefer my teas stronger. For the next cup, the amount of leaf was doubled. Better, but still lacking.
I really don’t have much experience with oolongs, so maybe it should be a lighter tasting almond flavor. While it makes an okay cup, it’s probably not going to be something I reach for in the mornings…
So close to decupboarding this! It has been with me for far too long, both in distance and time. I think we’re close to parting ways.
Made 16 ounces of this double strength and iced it. It’s a decent offering from Lupicia, but I prefer this cold as hot grape tea doesn’t really appeal to me.
Trying this again. Steeped this in the fridge for 10 1/2 hours and it’s much better!
The color is very light yellow and it tastes like mango and coconut. Simple syrup adds to the sweetness, which is how I enjoyed the rest.
I believe cold steeping will be the way to go to decupboard this. However, I don’t think this will be a repurchase.