Thank you so much to Amanda for this sample – it’s been something I’ve been wanting to try since I found the 52teas website not long ago.
This smells really great in the bag – a nice smooth blueberry aroma. Brewed 2 tsp in 8 oz of near boiling water, steeped for just over 3 minutes and 20 seconds. I can smell the blueberries as I’m straining out the leaves. I’m pretty excited and am having a hard time waiting until the drinkable temperature of 135º. Pre-sweetener, this is a really good cup – I can drink this without sugar. Definately taste the blueberry. I’m finding a smoothness to this cup. Added sweetener mid-cup and – BAM! – there’s so much more blueberry flavor to be found. Delicious!
Resteeped in 6 oz of boiling water for 4:30 and the flavor is waning, but still there. The creaminess is gone, mostly just blueberry
Looking forward to playing around with this a little. Thanks again, Amanda!
Oh, blueberry. I sure want to try this one :)