Not all of this was consumed when I made it for the boys a couple days ago, so I poured the leftover in an ice cube tray for later enjoyment.
Both dogs like chomping on ice cubes. In the past, I usually put in small treats in water and freeze them into cubes. Usually they’ll chomp on it to get to the treat and leave the ice to melt on the floor. So I figured they’d enjoy these just as well, and they did! Both of them ate all the cube – Yay! This might be the preparation of choice for them.
I love Doggies. :)) Maybe I should get this tea!
Yeah, dogs are fun – have had at least one for the last 10 years. Can’t imagine not having ’em. :)
How adorable!
I purchased this tea thinking it was a joke of sort on theme where the bacon (the dough, cash)without realizing it was a dog tea. How stupid of me. But then I don’t need excuse to expose my stupidity.