I fell asleep last night wondering which tea to make this morning. Yes, that is the kind of wild and crazy life I lead. :) Anyway, my subconscious got it all worked out because as soon as my feet hit the floor I knew I wanted chai. Specifically, this chai. Good black tea with lots of wonderful spices. I added some sugar but no milk. It was perfect.
Instead of running around like a crazy person and grabbing sips of my tea when I could, I sat down and drank my tea. I was a few minutes late getting my daughter up and moving (She can ignore an alarm clock better than anyone I know.), but it was worth it. I had another cup over breakfast, and now I’ve got enough caffeine shooting through my system to get me through my morning chores. Or maybe I’ll ignore the chores and curl up with my book. Doesn’t that sound better?
Totally!! Chores have nothing on book and tea! :)
Book! Book!
Sigh… I ended up doing the chores, but only because my family would have nothing for dinner otherwise, and my daughter needed some stuff for her science project. Tonight, however, it will be me, a book, and a cup of tea!