709 Tasting Notes
Mmm, exciting news is that a second cup has come out nicely – I saved the leaves for a third, but I think that will be pushing it a bit too far. I mostly get spice this time around, I can feel it on the back of my tongue. Still a lovely cuppa, but not the beautiful sense of vanilla and apple as in the first.
My tea arrived! Of the 5 I ordered, I’ve decided to go for this one first, despite being at work and having no control over water temperature. It’s definitely not even close to boiling, so I figure I’m okay enough on temp. Dry, the tea smells really yummy – strong spice smell, definitely putting me in the mind of chai, but a hint of apple that makes me think of cider. A good start! My only qualm so far is how small the package is. I’m Canadian and oz isn’t a unit of measure I ever use so I kind of imagined it being more…I don’t know that I’ll get 20 to 25 cups of tea out of this as the package claims, but that’s irrelevant.
As it steeps, I realize that a T-Sac just isn’t going to provide enough room for the tea to expand. Again, for work and experimentation it is good enough, but the volume has already doubled and I wish I could see these leaves unfurl properly.
Finally, it’s time to sip! I keep smelling this, because there is some definite familiar smell, I think it reminds me of something my grandmother makes. Apple crumble, maybe? With vanilla ice cream on top…More spice smell than apple or vanilla, but the memories it conjure all seem to include apples and vanilla. Finally having tasted a sip, I think it evokes a nice hot cinnamony apple pie with vanilla ice cream melting on top. So good! I’ve been longing for a taste like this for too long. It’s really not hitting me in the face the way I expected it to by the smell, but it’s calming me, and a lovely absent-minded sort of deliciousness. I feel the need to have this on a regular basis. Absolutely. A wonderful start to my 52Teas experience, thank you Frank! I’m saving the T-Sac to give it another steep later on, we’ll see how well it holds up to that. The mildness of the flavour suggests it might not work, but I’ve been surprised before!
ps – Why did I only order 1 pouch when 2 would have been so cheap? Gah!
My heart is breaking – Somehow, out of nowhere, this tea has become one of my favourites. I honestly considered not having a cup right now because I wouldn’t be able to squeeze in my other two customary steeps and I didn’t want to waste them (then I realized I could steep the bag again tomorrow, huzzah!). Anyway, it is excellent that I love this tea, because I have 3/4 of a tin of it. It is devastating that I love this tea because it was apparently a summer only tea and isn’t available anymore. Not to mention that it might not ever be again. I can see myself now in 6 months, begging the lovely ladies at David’s Tea to find a long hidden stash. My best hope, other than the tea coming back into circulation permanently, is that I will fall out of love with it and I will be able to move on. Until then, I drink happily, but sparingly. Three steeps per ‘serving’ – this will help it last : )
My mom gave me a summer collection kit from the sample sale for Christmas. I’m liking them all but have been hesitant to open the Mojito as, while the description sounds tasty, I pretty much dislike mint teas across the board. I’d rather it have a good home than me dislike it, so if you’d like another 25g of it I’d be happy to send it to you!
I thought I hadn’t opened it but unfortunately it looks like I went on a sniffing spree and opened them all. That was about two weeks ago for a quick sniff. If you’re interested, let me know.
That would be amazing!! I still have plenty for now, but I’ve got a bit of a hoarding approach regarding teas I enjoy. Stupid question – this DT sample sale that I heard about repeatedly but never experienced – Does this only happen in TO or was it nation-wide? How did I miss it??
It was nation-wide, but it was in-store only and over three days I think. It was also pretty small-scale. My store only had a little table of gift tins and summer stuff that they had to point out to me. I saw it on Facebook and don’t even know if there was an email about it, so it’d be pretty easy to miss.
Whenever you’d like the Mojito, send me your info!
Got the hottest water my office can offer. I wish I had the time to boil water here, but as the receptionist it just isn’t viable. I continue to love this tea – it starts out by enticing you with a delicious black currant aroma, but then tricks you with it’s dull brown liquor. Expectations rise once again with the first sip, and the tea remains satisfying to the end. Yum yum!
This cup is really lacking the fruit flavour I remember getting last time. There is still the Kool-Aid sort of taste that hits you right away in the sip, but there aren’t any berries following suit – Perhaps I under steeped it?
I continue to be a little amazed at how high the reviews are for this tea. That said, it’s certainly a nice tea but it seems that no matter what I do it just doesn’t steep up that strong. Extra teaspoons, hotter water, more steep time – Nothing really brings it to the level I would expect.
Again, it remains a very yummy tea but I think it will always be on my list of disappointments from David’s Tea – the taste just isn’t really there.
I haven’t tried this tea on it’s own yet – It’s currently being used to make some apple cider delicious and hot. I know, it’s the lazy way ot but it’s so cost efficient! I don’t imagine it’s terribly great as chai, but when I eventually try it as is I will give it a rating.
I really like this tea. I honestly forget on a regular basis how soothing and tasty this can be. I’ve never noticed any of the proferred side effects, but it’s just so nice. It’s not that it’s forgettable, it’s just that I don’t have a lot of call for soothing tea on a regular basis. Or at least not the time to enjoy it. Of all my David’s Teas I find this to be the most appley, and just YUM!