Over time, this has gone from my favourite and first beloved loose tea to one that I turn to only in times of illness. I developed another summer cold after a marathon hospital visit to see my grandfather (now released and doing well, yay!) and the beau thought Detox might help. Now, to be fair, I was in a terrible mood when I drank this because I was sick again and absolutely tired of it, not to mention achey and sore. Anyway, I somehow mis-brewed this and didn’t end up with my usual potent juniper lemon mix. Instead I had a watered down mess. Drinkable and totally my fault, but saddening nonetheless. I still really enjoy this tea but I think that in my never-ending quest for more tea I might not refill this tin the next time it empties. I think we’ve had a solid 300 grams so far, my Detox friend. Thank you for that!