Breakfast tea! Luckily, I remembered that this has green tea in it today and didn’t allow the water to boil. The trouble with first thing in the morning tea is that I tend to make one of my favourites, and I forget to actually pay attention. As some of you may have noticed, I rarely drink green tea, or even tea with green in it, so boil away is my default setting! I have a number of really yummy green teas, honestly, but since I rarely have the time to sit and enjoy multiple infusions it seems a waste. I was looking forward to trying out a few good greens and oolongs this weekend, but I’m going to celebrate one of my younger brother’s birthdays and won’t be home all weekend. We’ll see how much tea I end up taking with… : ) Maybe I’ll convert him? My father is a dedicated Red Rose drinker…I intend to try to get at least one cup of loose in him. I’ve tried before though, and it never works.
Anyway, on to the Three Wishes! Nice and yummy, sweet lightly fruity and floral taste. Not much black tea going on in there. I could have heated the water quite a bit more, I think. I just make that up in general. I quite like this tea.
My mother in law is a Red Rose drinker too (She’s from NS as well). She’s tried a few of our favorite teas, but she loves her Red Rose. shrugs I keep some on hand for her, why waste good tea on someone drinking it and wishing it was Red Rose? LOL.
My Dad has a couple giant boxes of it at all times. I have nothing against bagged teas and I certainly drink it when there, but there is so much more as well!
Also, YAY NS!
My mother in law is a Red Rose drinker too (She’s from NS as well). She’s tried a few of our favorite teas, but she loves her Red Rose. shrugs I keep some on hand for her, why waste good tea on someone drinking it and wishing it was Red Rose? LOL.
My Dad has a couple giant boxes of it at all times. I have nothing against bagged teas and I certainly drink it when there, but there is so much more as well!
Also, YAY NS!
My wife’s whole family is from NS, Annapolis Valley on her mom’s side and Pictou County on her dad’s. We almost settled in Halifax! But yes, her mom lives on Red Rose.