Gave myself a little while to recover from the last/first time that I made this tea. This time, apparently, I did it right. Either that or my palate has expanded since then – both are possible.
The tea smells amaznig unsteeped, as always. This time I got the steeping right thoguh and my first cup is delicious – I get the sweetness of the peach and a hint of the almond, but I also smell and taste some buttery oolong taste. I am getting better at identifying that taste, thankfully. I really want to like oolong, and I think I really might. It’s a shame that it tends to be so expensive.
Anyway, this cup came out lovely. The leaves are very large, for David’s Tea, and I am going for multiple steeps once this one is gone. I am hoping for a big number, but the beau is steeping along with me, so it won’t be as many as if I flew solo. Mm, that peachiness is really up front right now. I expect the oolong taste will come out stronger next time.