Okay, I think I really like this. I’ve smelled it a couple times before but have been put off because I know it’s a heavy tea and wouldn’t make that many cups. I finally bought some a few days ago and had a chance to try it this morning. I accidentally poured too much water into the teapot for the size mugs the beau and I were drinking from, so I ended up with 2 cups, one steeped at 4 or 5 minutes, and one steeped at 15 minutes. The first cup was lovely and mild, reminiscent of an apple crumble or some other yummy dessert. Really good! The second had a much stronger flavour that I can only assume was the beetroot. I also enjoyed this cuppa, but found it a little more tart than the first, the obvious result of leaving the tea in the pot so long. In general, I quite enjoyed this. The beau says it’s not a re-buy, but I think it might be, especially since Night Out has been discontinued (a travesty, by the way).
I keep trying to figure out if these are the same teas:
I keep trying to figure out if these are the same teas: