This was a tea from Christina. Thanks Christina! Sorry I am just trying it out now. I’ve been having my teas lately but only ones I’ve already reviewed. I have plenty of samples to get through but just wasn’t in the mood to try something new until now.
So I was wondering what was in this tea and had to check it out. It’s just green tea and spearment. I also was wondering if it would be like Morrocan Tea which is green tea and peppermint. The answer: Yes and no. There are similarities but it is different as well. This is a lighter brew than a Morrocan green tea. The spearmint is lighter with a slight citrus edge to it that peppermint doesn’t have. Still very minty like a Morrocan tea with the green tea base giving it body.
An enjoyable cup!
Flavors: Citrus, Mint, Spearmint