Love love love this one! I ordered a sample size pouch of this with my last order from Harney and Sons bc they had sent me a free sample of the regular Paris and I really liked it, so I figured I would try the decaf version bc I’m always on the look out for a good decaf or tisane. I have found that a lot of decaf teas lack flavor though. Not this one!! Tastes almost exactly like the regular Paris! Very flavorful, smooth berries and citrus over black tea, it all flows together really well. Black teas can be hit or miss with me, it seems that sometimes they are harsh (this could be brewing errors on my part though), but this one is perfect!! I added just a tiny bit of half and half and this was a dessert-y dream! I was able to get 2 steeps out of these leaves and enjoyed the sample so much I ordered more as soon as I got home from work. I have a feeling this is going to be one of those “old faithful” teas, like my citrus lavender sage. So happy I discovered this!! And it’s super cheap!!