BAM! Now THIS is what I call a chocolate tea!!!
Got my first Tealux order in the mail last night…super quick shipping, btw! I couldn’t believe how big the sample sizes were…probably almost 1 oz! I ordered more than a sample size of this tea, I think because the sample size wasn’t available, but I’m so glad I did! Now for some context, I’ve been struggling with chocolate flavored teas. They just never meet my expectations…most taste a bit chemical, or there’s hardly any flavor at all. Some chocolate teas use cocoa nibs, and I never really get chocolate flavor from those. Cocoa shells seem to be better. Overall, I’ve been disappointed.
This tea, however, is IMO the mother of all chocolate teas! Yes! That is what I said!!
I even brewed this at work in the stupid microwave and it was fantastic!
So, once i brewed it up, this tea smelled exactly like hot cocoa. My coworker confirmed this, so it’s not just me! It also tasted exactly like hot cocoa! Amazing!! I thought it was weird that it had yogurt bits in it, but they must do something to make this tea work, so I’m not complaining! I enjoyed this with milk and sugar, btw, because that’s how I do things!
I’m so happy with this tea. The search for a good chocolate tea can end now. Not gonna even waste my time with the ones I don’t like now, because I know there’s something better! I can’t wait to try my other Tealux teas, because if they’re as good as this one, I’m in for a treat!!