I feel like a Steepster slacker! I’ve not been able to keep up my notes on a daily basis, but I’m still here!
I HAD to pick up this tea when I saw it come out. There was no question. I am a big fan of French toast. It’s WAY better than pancakes! ;) Although I have to admit I prefer my French toast with only powdered sugar, no syrup. BUT, I tend to eat it with syrup at restaurants, so that is AOK.
So, this tea comes pretty darn close to the real thing. It’s not perfect, but I think maybe a little aging on the shelf might help. I have already enjoyed this twice, and I have to say I prefer it when I make it in my steeper at home (rather than microwaved at work). I used the same parameters that seem to work best for 52teas black tea blends (185 degrees for 3 minutes). It definitely has complexity…I get the cinnamon, the maple syrup, and some sort of bread-like flavor. I tried it with and without soymilk and I prefer the soymilk…brings out the bread flavor. I add sugar too, cuz why wouldn’t I? Drinking it made me want some real French toast. I also got that aftertaste you get of the syrup after eating real French toast. Ha!
The only thing that might make this better is some additional bread-like puerh. Wouldn’t that be something?!