It was a little bit of an unusual morning today. Got up and got dressed for the office. Then I turned on the news while having some toast, as I usually do, and my main mode of transportation was severely delayed. Hmmm. So, fortunately, my boss is flexible, so I decided I would work from home for the morning and maybe go in later. That being the case, I went back to bed for an hour. ;) so tired! Unfortunately, my work laptop was at the office, but I figured I could still log onto my email via the web version on my home laptop, BUT they had stupidly decided to do an update to that last night, and it wasn’t working this morning! Double whammy! I was still able to do work since I had access to some stuff I needed to review, and I was able to phone into a meeting, so it worked out okay. What a morning, though!
Because of all that, I didn’t have my first cup of tea until 8:30am!! Usually I’m on my second cup by then. I decided that I should treat myself with some of this tea, and as usual, it was delicious! Take that, wacko day!!
mmmm i need to buy some of this one.
This was my favorites of my samples. I intend to buy some soon.
has anyone heard anything more about their non amazon site?
Nope. I was trying to wait for their site, but I got impatient and ordered via amazon!