Thank you, Stephanie, for this sample! I really wanted to try this one because I love genmaicha, but I was worried about buying a whole bag, based on people’s not-so-great reviews. I was also a little worried about potential smokiness, because I’m not a fan of that. So, I had some last night, and overall, it was just okay. It had the same flavor as marshmallow treat genmaicha, which I like, and there was something else in there, but that something else was just too subtle to pick out. I have to tell you, though, the dry leaf smelled delicious. I definitely got a chocolate aroma from the dry leaf. I just wish there was more flavor. I wonder if there’s a way to tease it out. I steeped it at 175 degrees for 3 minutes. Any suggestions for achieving more flavor? I still have a cup left.
Your steeping parameters look good. I think I tend to steep mine a tad longer, maybe about 4 minutes, but that’s probably just my personal taste? There seems to be quite polarized opinions with this tea. I do enjoy this one whenever I make it, but it’s not a tea that I find myself reaching for on a regular basis.
I agree with your assessment. Not bad but not very chocolatey in flavor!
Your steeping parameters look good. I think I tend to steep mine a tad longer, maybe about 4 minutes, but that’s probably just my personal taste? There seems to be quite polarized opinions with this tea. I do enjoy this one whenever I make it, but it’s not a tea that I find myself reaching for on a regular basis.