Have you ever made a cup of a tea you really liked, but this particular cup sucks? I just did. I made some of that dragonwell tea from some unknown tea plantation in China, and it tasted awful. Perhaps my steeper still had residual from my steeping of Aztec Spice, even though I washed it? Perhaps my mug had residual, even though I rinsed it? Maybe my honey is getting too old? Maybe my taste buds are off? OR, maybe I subconsciously didn’t want that tea at the moment? Anyway, it was gross. So sad.
In other news, I created a spreadsheet of my tea inventory! Yay! I was worried that I was starting to lose track of some teas, and I was right! I have A LOT of little amounts of different teas. So, it’s pretty cool because I can sort by company, by type of tea (black, oolong, etc), by amount, and by a rating. I created a new rating system for the spreadsheet: Favorite, Good, Okay, and Yuck! Lol! Favorite and Yuck pretty much speak for themselves. The difference between Good and Okay is whether I might buy it again. Now I just need to organize my physical cupboard better!
Ooh, i need to add a ratings column to mine. I’m just starting my spreadsheet, and it’s kinda scary. I missed adding a bunch of teas to steepster so my total is higher…
Awesome. I’m a spreadsheet junkie too. Was all I did in my previous life.
Ooh, i need to add a ratings column to mine. I’m just starting my spreadsheet, and it’s kinda scary. I missed adding a bunch of teas to steepster so my total is higher…
Haha… Tea nerds unite! I love spreadsheets.