Another profile facelift! My tastes have changed a lot from when I first discovered loose leaf tea.
I can trace my tea journey back to October 2012, when I discovered DavidsTea. Before that, I had the occasional cup and enjoyed high tea at An Afternoon to Remember, which has since closed.
I went through a period of wanting to try all the teas, and was really into flavored teas, especially dessert blacks, but my tastes have substantially changed over time.
I still enjoy the occasional flavored black or rooibos, but I’m more into unflavored black teas right now and recently, puerh. Chinese black teas are amazing…with their notes of chocolate or sweet potato, who needs a flavored tea? I had a much steeper learning curve when it came to puerh. I used to dump out cups of puerh for tasting like leather. Now, I am really enjoying them. I think it took finding good quality puerh and steeping them gong fu style to really enjoy them.
I also, on occasion, enjoy a good oolong, white, or green tea.
Favorite tea companies right now include: Mandala, Teavivre, Butiki, Golden Moon, Lupicia, and DavidsTea (for teaware mostly).
Just a note: I don’t rate my teas numerically because my iPad doesn’t like the scroll bar. Maybe someday that will change…hint hint, steepster! ;)
P.S. My profile picture is of one of my 2 cats, Holly, who is a little princess but very photogenic, and she loves boxes, including those that bring me tea! :)
San Francisco Bay Area
Ha, for me ‘coconutted out’ doesn’t exist for me. :D I absolultely positively love coconot. I put shredded coconut into my oatmeal this morning, and then later had a cup of Coconut Cream Pie tea from 52Teas. xD;
I’ve been tempted to try this one since it’s from Butiki, but I’m unsure about the rooibos of it all. Not sure if I’m really fond of rooibos or not yet.
Sounds delish!
The rooibos scared me away as well. Glad to hear it doesn’t over power.
Ya, I go back and forth on rooibos, but this one’s not bad.