Dry Leaf: There was a earthy aroma with a faint sweetness in the background.
Wet Leaf: There was a warm earthy aroma with a lingering sweet aroma.
Liquor: Was like a amber color but in the light you can see it is a orange color. The tea had a nice brightness and good clarity.
Taste: What I get is a smooth earthy, kind of nutty or smoky taste with a some spice in their and a touch of sweetness. This tea has a nice complexity to it.
My Score/Over All Opinion: 92, When I first tried this tea it had a bit to it in the first infusion then I experimented a little with this tea and did 2 rise’s instead of 1 and the 1st infusion improved a lot but there was a slight bit I got in the first infusion. Over all this tea is very nice.
Did you do this one western style? I notice you steeped it for 3 minutes! I know you can do that with this tea, but I never think to do it that way. How much leaf did you end up using?
(whoops, cut off too soon). I’m curious to retry this one in different steeping methods; it’s been so long.
Please let me know what you notice about the taste difference between western and gong-fu. I am getting a gaiwan just don’t have one yet.
Did you do this one western style? I notice you steeped it for 3 minutes! I know you can do that with this tea, but I never think to do it that way. How much leaf did you end up using?
(whoops, cut off too soon). I’m curious to retry this one in different steeping methods; it’s been so long.
Yes Spoonvonstup I did do it western style and as instructed by verdant tea.
Thanks! You’ve inspired me to see what this is like in a pot again.
Please let me know what you notice about the taste difference between western and gong-fu. I am getting a gaiwan just don’t have one yet.
Sure thing! sounds like a project for tonight