(This sample was generously provided to me by Teavivre. Thank you Angel and the whole Teavivre Team.)
Dry Leaf: I get a wet cut grass smell I can even see someone saying hay too. Their is also some sweetness in the smell too. I also get a very faint floral smell way in the back.
Wet Leaf: I get a nice sweet vegetal aroma.
Liquor: The color I got was like a maple color.
Taste: I get a very mellow earthiness with a vegetal flavor like a green bean but their is a sweetness that is also there. As the tea cools the floral aspect of this tea comes out to play.
My Score / Over All Opinion: 90, I am new in the game of raw pu-erh but this tea was enjoyable and didn’t have that bit like I was expecting. However, I did play with this tea and steeped it over 2 minutes and the flavor did get more intense and there was that bit but still not as crazy as I was expecting. This maybe a good tea to store and age yourself in my humble opinion.