I finally used my Lin’s ceramic teapot today. I do not know why I have been avoiding it. It made an excellent brew. The honey, roasted bark, and caramel apple notes of this tea really shined. As a rolled oolong and one of my favorite teas, this tea truly deserves to be prepared in a ceramic pot.
There is just something about this Gui Fei that really hits the spot every single time. The only caveat is that it has to be perfectly prepared and piping hot. If it’s not… the brew doesn’t live up to its amazing potential at all and kind of makes me sad… First world problems…
As a complete aside: This note marks the first non-backlog note I have written in over two months. Yesterday, I finally finished logging every single tea that I have had since early May. I had kept the list teas in a file and by yesterday it was about 130 teas. Yikes. If anyone is interested, you can see them all in my – finally updated – tealog.
I missed your notes ;-)