Following 384 Tea Drinkers

chaijeeyah 19 followers

28-year old English teacher and linguist. Loving British literature and tea c...

NVasquez 2 followers

I am an avid tea drinker and business owner interested in the opinions of oth...

Garret 187 followers

I began studying tea in 1998 when I was in school for Chinese medicine and ma...

Ricky 274 followers

Hiya! I am always up for sharing my tea with others. If you’re interested in ...

Infusin_Susan 134 followers

I like strong, robust flavors. My current favorites include strong black teas...

TassieTeaGirl 60 followers

I remember getting my first cup of tea at about the age of 8. Just a standard...

CHAroma 254 followers

Entering the sweet blissful world of tea aromas! Having discovered this websi...

tattooed_tea 164 followers

Heavily tattooed mom of two. Lover of tea. Body piercer. Addicted to tea &amp...

Mark B 41 followers

I prefer green tea varieties with a focus on high theanine content. I general...



I am a tech-savvy tea enthusiast that loves playing guitar and drinking tea!

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