After a very overzealous spending spree on Adagio teas, I’m beginning to think I’m really not much of a Ceylon drinker. I got this tea, ordered 3 ounces thinking I’d love it so much… ::sigh:: How wrong I was. I mean, it was black tea— one of my favorite things, ever— and what everyone kept saying tasted like chocolate-covered strawberries.
I didn’t taste any chocolate-covered strawberries, and what I was hoping would be a rich-tasting, bold, smooth black tea base was merely astringent and bitter. I don’t think that’s just my oversensitive-to-bitterness palate, either— cartomancer asked for sugar in his, and he never wants sugar in anything!
I am willing to trade this. I bought a three-ounce bag and used two teaspoons of it.