Followed by 12 Tea Drinkers

TeaEqualsBliss 1788 followers

Near Vegan. Tea Lover. Yoga. Crafter. Music. Sports. Travel. Radio. ...

Southern Boy Teas 756 followers

FUN organic flavored iced teas for folks who love iced tea!

Madam Potts 71 followers

Hi, I’m Madam Potts. I’m custom tea blender who finds expression and inspira...

TeaBrat 683 followers

My profile pic is of a pink dahlia at Golden Gate Park. Hobbies include: tea,...

Ninavampi 319 followers

I love tea and have since I was a little girl. Once I could buy my own tea, I...

Dylan Oxford 164 followers

My fiancé and I are beginning to enjoy tea infusion, and it’s slowly becoming...

Barb 45 followers

That isn’t Angus; nor is it Merle, Finn, Dulcie, or Squeaky Jess. It’s a very...

Pureleaf 340 followers

I’m a southern boy that that continues to have an intense love for high quali...

Goozoo 162 followers



I’m an expat Brit in America, a lifelong tea lover in that British “milk and two sugars” way, who 6 years ago learned to love her tea without sugar, and now is learning to love it without milk. Two summers ago I learned how to make a proper glass of American iced tea. I’m new to indie tea and having an alarming amount of fun trying out all the amazing blends I keep finding! I used to just drink the black tea I brought home from my visits to the UK plus things like Yogi ginger, and now I am finding a whole new world of tea out there to explore.

Right now I’m mostly interested in flavoured teas as I find those the easiest to enjoy without milk and especially in teas with little to no caffeine as too much caffeine can really send my body chemistry into a tailspin. In the early morning I indulge myself with a couple of cups of something caffeinated but after that it’s noncaf all the way. My teacups are pint sized and I usually have one near me.


Near a beach in NY

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