I was very excited to try this—since I love sesame-flavored Asian sweets!
The leaves brew up really “fluffy”—they expand almost like an oolong! So my tall mug looks like it’s half full of leaves after putting in about a teaspoon and a half.
The taste is florally and sweet—no green tea bitterness or astringency. I detect mostly the caramel and just maybe a hint of the toasted sesame. The sweetness reminds me of Golden Moon’s Sugar Caramel Oolong—without the steamed banana leaf flavor I always get with their oolongs.
I wish I can get more “sesame” out this—but, overall, I’m really liking the sugariness!
This is a green tea I can see myself reaching for everyday. It’s very tasty and easy to drink.
Yay! It’s pretty good. I’m finishing up my sample and the toasted sesame flavor really comes out when you add even more leaves (on my second try, I emptied the last of the sample packet into my mug—maybe two teaspoons to 12 oz?).
Very cool! I ordered a sample of this with my first Harney and Sons foray. Can’t wait to try it!
Yay! It’s pretty good. I’m finishing up my sample and the toasted sesame flavor really comes out when you add even more leaves (on my second try, I emptied the last of the sample packet into my mug—maybe two teaspoons to 12 oz?).
Oooh, I’ll have to remember that.