This tea looks very light with an appealing toasty aroma. I think I’m detecting “toastiness” a lot in my teas, nowadays. Maybe I’m just reacting to the warmness of the water? But in any case, this tea does, initially, seem very “toasty” to me. I think toasty is tasty, so that’s good. On first sip, I taste buttery gardenias….yummy! On subsequent sips, I’m reminded of GM’s Coconut Pouchong sans coconut. This must be the “oolong” aspect. It’s almost like roasted green tea mixed with steamed banana leaves and white flowers. The aftertaste is very orchid-like.
This is good but if I were to rate the GM oolongs (on personal preference), it would definitely be Coconut Pouchong first, Sugar Caramel Oolong second and this third.
Mmm…yum! Yum! Yum! I enjoyed all three of those teas, but I don’t think that I could place them in a certain order. I think that for me their order would depend on what mood I was in with Coconut being the most versatile. Sweet tooth mood? Sugar Caramel. Feeling frou-frou? The Orchid :)