This is absolutely delicious !!!! It’s toasty, doughy, almond cookie deliciousness!!! I’m so happy this is in my life now. :P
No, seriously. I am. This is like almond croissants in a cup. Or almond biscotti. Or cinnamon toast with giant dollop of almond butter. All that delicious stuff is in my tea right now.
I can swear now—that any tea seller who sells anything remotely almond cookie-like is reselling this. I think this is the original. It’s sooo inexpensive—only $5.95 for 4 oz! This has to be the original!! And it’s so yummy, it can’t not be.
Almond-lovers, you must have SpecialTeas’ “Almond Cookie” in your tea repetoire. Your life is incomplete without it.
(wanders off in an almond cookie induced haze of happiness)
Adding to my shopping list now and with much anticipation. Enjoy your almond cookie hazy happiness!!!!!
This has been on my list for some time now. Once my paychecks start coming in, I’m getting it for sure!!
This is definitely one of my favorites from SpecialTeas as well. So good!
Adding to my shopping list now and with much anticipation. Enjoy your almond cookie hazy happiness!!!!!
This has been on my list for some time now. Once my paychecks start coming in, I’m getting it for sure!!
Yet another in my cabinet waiting for me to make space in my life to try it.