Appearance: Brews up very dark—a deep, rich amber.
Scent: Hints of cocoa and malt with a berry-ish edge.
Taste: Surprisingly mild. Not much of the “bite” that I expected from a “robust breakfast tea”. Slight astringency.
(Reads the GM label) —No hazelnuts. Maybe a bit of prune and cherry. There is an underlying honey-sweetness reminiscent of A&D’s Jackee Muntz!
(Adds a touch of milk, per GM’s recommendation) —hmm, I taste only milky black tea. The subtle nuances of flavor have been drowned out by milkiness. May have been too much milk. But the astringency is gone (of course).
Overall, this is a serviceable breakfast tea. A black tea that will not “scare” anyone. Very likeable, pleasant and mellow.