772 Tasting Notes
No other ratings. Huh. Surprising.
I again forgot that Republic of Tea puts stevia leaf in their hibiscus line blends and so oversweetened this sucker. And possibly because of that, it’s too sweet, but the hibiscus is not actually so bad in it. Still, not sure I can drink the rest of this. The stevia lends a flavour to tea that I really do not like at all and I can taste it in this one. Urgh.
Oh my word LEMON. This tea is so lemony that it’s hard to taste any of the other ingredients. This seriously just tastes like lemonade. It didn’t do anything for me hot, so I let it cool to room temperature and it’s quite a bit better that way. But seriously, LEMON.
This tea is from Tea Sipper!
So I finally think I’m developing a taste for rooibos, after so many of forcing myself to drink it because I liked the flavours it was mixed with. There is nothing about this tea that I do not like. It tastes strongly minty, but not in a bad way and it blends really well with the rooibos nutty flavour that I always hear people talking about but have never picked up on myself. The chocolate is more subdued, not really upfront about itself, in the background. This is an interesting addition to my collection of chocolate mint teas because I love them and this one is no exception
Got this in a trade from Tea Sipper and I thought I might try something I’m likely to really like after my wonderful tea experience this morning with 52teas.
From the other tasting notes on this tea, which I really should have read before I brewed it, I could have avoided the bitterness I’m tasting if I had brewed it for less time. The liquid was awfully dark after 3 minutes. 2 minutes would have been better. I have some more to experiment with though.
I don’t think I’ve ever eaten a fig in my life so I’m not sure how to pin down a ‘fig’ flavour. There is a sweetness in this tea, beyond the sweetener I added, that I assume is the brown sugar, but it might be partly the fig too. It definitely doesn’t taste like plain black tea though. Although the black base is really strong and that comes through clearly, must be the assam, that always seems like such a BOLD tea whenever I drink it. I’m not sure I like it as a base for flavoured teas.
Overall I do like this tea, just am somewhat confused by it.
Figs with warm gorgonzola cheese is the best! I’m hungry just thinking about it!
I have some of this tea waiting for me at home. Curious to try it!
Received my monthly tea package from Frank a few days ago and decided to try some out this morning. I think I’ll be mailing 3 of the 4 out without even tasting them first, but for one I don’t like any of the ingredients, for another I am pretty sure I won’t like it either, and the 3rd I’m allergic to. So there’s that. But then there is this tea.
The smell when you open the package is amazing. It smells so good! I need a candle with this smell so I can scent my whole room with it. I could sit here huffing this tea for a long time, but I won’t because that would be weird looking.
The smell dies down as it is brewed and the liquid tea has some smell, but the black tea in the smell is more prominent than the raspberry or cream now. And the taste, divine! Ah, this is raspberry and cream…or anything and cream really, done right. The raspberry flavour is definitely the ‘natural’ flavour it says on the package because it seriously does taste like an actual raspberry! A raspberry candy in my drink because I added sugar to bring out the taste and boy it did! The cream is creamy and I made it even more creamy by adding milk and I think this tea is really good with milk and sugar. It would probably be good iced as well, for those who like iced tea. I have never met an iced tea that I have liked so I tend to stay out of that. But anyway, this tea is really really good and I’m now off to Frank’s website to see if there are any left.
May be able to do a swap with some folks here in canada. I know kittenna really wanted to try cuba libre and between her, raritea, indigobloom we may be able to coordinate something.
I have a home already for the Peach Cardamom one, but the Cuba Libre and the honeybush one are free to swap. I’m in the US, but I’m fine shipping to Canada
that sounds awesome. I’ll get organized with the girls and see if they want anything since if that’s the case, we can likely do one larger swap to keep your shipping minimized :)
That would be appreciated because full packages from 52teas, if there are more than one of them, definitely need boxes rather than my standard envelope I keep around.
Trying this even though my mouth is contaminated with too spicy freezer pizza. I can smell cinnamon and apple in the brewed tea and that’s making me a bit reluctant to take a sip. I am not a fan of cinnamon at all.
And it definitely tastes of far too much cinnamon for my tastebuds. I’m quite impressed with the apple flavour though. It actually tastes like apple rather than just ‘sourish fruit’ taste. I just wish it weren’t paired with cinnamon, though I know it’s fairly common to do that in baked goods. The peach flavour really only lends itself to tasting some over the top fruity flavour which is not doing this tea any favours either. Don’t like. Glad I only had the one sample.
I got into work an hour early this morning because I have to leave early for a doctor appointment and of course the cafeteria isn’t open at this hour so I couldn’t get milk for my tea. I typically take most black teas with milk because I like the creamier taste and feel better than just plain. This first mug of my pot, I am drinking without milk. It tastes…sharper. Heavier. Just all around more strong and also quite a bit more…sour I guess is the word I’m looking for. I don’t enjoy the lingering aftertaste as much as normal.
Made this up because it’s my fifth pot of tea for the day and although 2 others have been herbal also, I really don’t need any more tea today. But I’m having some anyway.
I’m not sure how much I’m going to like this one. I don’t know what “luxury” rooibos means but I don’t like teas with a strong rooibos flavour, I’m not a fan of blueberries in general, and I remain undecided on lavender. Have to wait until it cools off to try it. I did sweeten it because my last cup of tea was unsweetened and I didn’t like it as much as the one before it that was.
This tea is…surprisingly good. The blueberry actually makes me like it in this and the lavender is quite good. I don’t pick up much of the rose or anything though, mostly lavender and blueberry and rooibos, which isn’t obnoxiously strong either. Pretty good. I might order this again.
There is a LOT going on with this tea. It’s very pretty and steeps up a nice yellow-brown colour. I can mostly taste the chamomile and hibiscus and rose, though the rest is faintly present in a come-and-go fashion. I don’t properly know what a lot of the ingredients taste like separately so I can’t really tell you if some of them come out specifically or not. I don’t actually see the aloe vera in the ingredient list unless it is under the ‘flavouring’ heading.
This is a nice tea, though I would consider it faintly medicinal due to all of the ‘good for you’ ingredients in it. A decent herbal blend for the days when you want something complex and caffeine-free.