I really need to drink this down because it’s so very old but I have a thing against throwing out tea so here we go. I think I put in a bit more matcha this time than usual. Hard to say since I never wrote down how much in previous notes. I know that I did forget to sweeten it before the first steep because it was not at all sweet when I took my first sip. Luckily and surprisingly, it was not bitter and face-making but instead just bland. I should have then put a bit of granulated sugar in my cup instead of rock sugar because getting sugar to dissolve in matcha lattes is really difficult, I’ve found. Alas, I did not and so I wait and stir.
And now it tastes much better, though the distinct cookies and cream flavour is all but gone by now, which is about what I expected. I need to drink down all of my opened matcha, actually. The only one that still tastes like it should is the matchaccino.
For future self reference, used almost 1 tsp of matcha to a few ounces of water and most of a half-pint of milk.