I reaaaaallly don’t like the flavour of this tea. It’s gross. However, that is NOT the point of drinking it. I’m currently drinking it steeped as directed for 15 minutes with 2 spoonfuls of honey and 2 tea bags in my large special order cat mug (I had it done with a black cat with yellow eyes on it. Currently all 3 of my pure black cats look like that so I can’t choose which one it is.)(I have another one with a white cat with blue eyes that is Sinatra. My other white cat Groucho (RIP) had one blue eye and one yellow one.)
SO yes. Disgusting. Have to say though, it does feel good on the throat. It’s stil a bit tickly but I’m not done with the mug yet and I can feel the ‘good slimy’ covering my throat in the back. Just needs to be a bit of a thicker layer and a bit more soothing. I have a stupid tickle in my throat that I think I picked up either from the cold air while walking or from gas fumes. Or possibly from the smokers outside that I had to walk past this morning. Cigarette smoke always makes me cough but usually I’m not still coughing 5 hours later.
I’m not even sick, so I can taste all of this and it is like being punched in the face by a giant animated liquorice stick. But like I said, that’s not the point.
Flavors: Licorice
I will not lie, it was extremely unpleasant, but the throat tickle was worse. I was really tired of coughing.
Oof, you’re strong, managing to drink something that licoricey on purpose!
I will not lie, it was extremely unpleasant, but the throat tickle was worse. I was really tired of coughing.
I’ve been sucking on “warm apple pie” cough drops with pectin. They are… well, they mostly work. (I don’t do mint, so my options are limited!)