Been a long time since I had this tea but the caramel chunks still look appetizing.
What is less appetizing is the taste. With a normal amount of milk and sugar put in and prepping at the time and temp from my last note, this tastes burnt. Not burnt caramel, just burnt in general. I just added some more sugar in case that will help bring out the flavours I want, but I don’t have high hopes. Perhaps I added too much tea? 5 tsp per 750ml but there were a LOT of caramel chunks that take up space from tea. Aaaand I’m right, it just makes it a sweet burnt tea flavour.
2nd steep is just as dark as the first and smells very similar, perhaps a bit less burnt smell. Tastes still burnt but not nearly as bold. I don’t know what I did to this tea or if it’s just too old and gone bad at this point but I did not enjoy these 2 pots of tea today.
Uh oh… I hope my large amount of Ovation teas aren’t old yet!