What is this? A seasonal tea that I don’t actually hate? Will wonders never cease?
Really, this doesn’t come across as pumpkin to me at all but it’s named seasonally so it counts! The ingredients confuse me and I was a little hesitant because of the rooibos and melon but I went looking for a holiday tea without ginger or cinnamon or cloves and such and Mahamosa certainly delivered.
I brewed up basically my whole sample in the Breville and only after I poured it into my cup did I realize I had no milk. So first cup, no milk, just sugar. Tastes super sweet (which I like). Sweeter than a tea ordinarily would with the amount of sugar that I added. I think it is the melon. And it is super surprising that I even like the melon because I ordinarily don’t like any kind of melon at all, although I will tolerate watermelon. It doesn’t sit on my most-hated melon list though, that belongs to cantaloupe.
I don’t even like rooibos all that much and I can hardly taste it at all in here, it’s so far in the background of flavours. As I let my tongue still after the aftertaste has lingered a while I get sort of a rooibos-y feel but that’s it.
Now I need to get my fat ass off the couch and evict the adorable kitties out of my lap (15 year age difference and they are cuddling like no tomorrow) and go to the store because I’ve been away for a week and a half and the cat sitter cleaned my fridge and there is now nothing in it at all beyond some apple sauce and chocolate soy milk and maple syrup. Seriously, that’s all that I have. And some weird weird soda from I don’t know when. But anyway, yes milk.
And I keep hearing about tea soda being made so I’m going to buy some soda water too just to try it out because I am damn curious.
Tea obsession back into full swing. I missed ye.