Recipe: 1/2-2/3 tsp mint matcha, ~3 oz hot water (175 degrees), whisk with a fork (did not foam much at all), add some hot milk (1/2 pint minus a couple of gloops for my earlier tea this morning) and 1/2 tsp rock sugar. Stir.
Very minty. I didn’t get the robust flavour on this, just the distinctive, but it is still very very minty. Not that that is a bad thing! Not at all! I love mint. I taste mostly peppermint on this, maybe a hint of spearmint but mostly just peppermint. Hmm, probably should have added a bit more sugar to this one than normal, it’s got a bit of a bite to it. This will (in smaller quantities) be a great mixer matcha. I can’t wait to try it with french vanilla/creme brulee/bavarian cream. Might bring some home to try with belgian chocolate, but I might not. The belgian chocolate at home is made with a black base and the belgian chocolate that I haven’t opened yet from my last order is made with a normal green tea base and I might wait for that one to try mixing a chocolate-mint matcha. Looking forward to it though!
Made as a hot latte, this is VERY refreshing and crisp. It is almost cool on my tongue despite the actual temperature of the beverage, which is a bit of a strange feeling. Beyond minty tea, I don’t really consume hot mint anything.
You can find this matcha (and many MANY others) at Red Leaf Tea, but here’s the mint specific link: