Another sample of this. This time it is, I believe, from Alphakitty instead of my own order. Hopefully I love it this time as much as I did last time. It was really really good. This time there was a lot of tea dust that got shaken out of my strainer before I put it into the pot. I noticed it all over my desk when I was filling the basket so I shook it over the trash a bunch of times. Hopefully there will be less contamination in the actual tea because of that.
Well, I’m wondering now how old this sample is. I’m getting much less vanilla than before. It’s still present in the aftertaste and in the slightly creamy smoothness to it, but it’s not quite as…there. I still like it, but I’m not IN LOVE with it as before. Hopefully when I finally end up getting around to buying this tea (eventually, hopefully, need to drink some tea down before I make any more orders) it will be more like my first experience than this one.
It could also be that there were less vanilla pods in there—I saw very few in my sample, and I’ve noticed other people mentioning how chock-full of vanilla this blend is.
I got this I think a month or two ago, so definitely not old!
Hmm, I wonder what the problem was then. Vagaries of the ages perhaps.
It could also be that there were less vanilla pods in there—I saw very few in my sample, and I’ve noticed other people mentioning how chock-full of vanilla this blend is.
Hmm, that is possible. I don’t remember what my original sample looked like, but it was less monotone than this one for sure.