First matcha made at home! First matcha made with my little electric whisk! (wow is that thing ever whisky). First try of this matcha, having finally brought out my tea tins from RLT to fill. I made this one into a hot latte, with a bit of hot water to whisk it up with, half a teaspoon using my ‘perfect matcha teaspoon’ and 10 oz of hot milk. I think next time I need to make the milk hotter. I actually measured too, in my liquid measure. So this is made as perfect as I am capable. Added sweetener because that’s the way I like it, but not too much.
This is really really good! The raspberry is really nice, light on the tongue and not too heavy and blends well with the creaminess that goes above and beyond the milk added. It’s definitely living up to its name as ‘raspberry and cream’, like most of the Red Leaf Tea matchas I’ve tried. The black base is nicely supportive of this flavour. I’ve always liked pairing fruit and black tea together so I’m glad I chose well when I picked this one. There’s a hint of that bitterness that black matcha sometimes gets, at least when I make it, but it’s in the latter half of the sip and ignorable with the rest of the goodness overwhelming it in the end. Altogether, I’m very glad I got this.
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