You know, I didn’t expect to like this one as much as I did. Normally I’m pretty wary of rooibos because I really don’t like the flavour straight and if it’s too strong in a tea it tends to ruin it all for me, but this tea is really very good. I can taste both the chocolate and the peppermint and not much rooibos at all, a little woodsy flavour in the background but it’s not strongly present. The peppermint and chocolate flavours complement each other rather than overwhelm. The peppermint is the first thing I taste and then the chocolate that lasts into the aftertaste. If it makes sense, I taste the peppermint with the tip of my tongue, but I taste the chocolate in the back of my throat. I really do like this tea.
Added sugar but not milk. The can says to add milk if you want, so I may try it again later with milk and see if it’s better.