Now normally I don’t like rooibos very much, so I went out on a limb a little when I bought some of this tea from Zen Tea (and it comes in such a pretty tin too), but I find I’m actually quite enjoying this. The raspberry and vanilla flavours mingle very nicely with the rooibos so that nothing is overpowering anything else. The raspberry and vanilla flavours are definitely distinct and strong, but also well balanced and the rooibos is there but not quite as…rooibos-y as I’ve tasted in other teas.
All in all, I quite like this tea, next time I’ll try to drink it while it’s warmer rather than putting it down and forgetting about it until it’s barely above luke-warm, tasty as it is at this temperature.
This was the combination that won me over to rooibos as well. I think there might be magic involved…