I keep this around for when my mother visits because she doesn’t really understand my tea setup and prefers to make her own (she usually gets up before me since I’m on the west coast and she’s coming from the east coast (of the USA)). Bagged is what she usually gets, although I spent a couple of hundred dollars of plain black teas from a variety of sources for her to try during her iced tea experiments earlier this year.
Anyway, I like this tea slightly better than the Teavana English Breakfast that I was drinking earlier today. The brew is less astringent and only a tiny bit bitter (I think I steeped it for slightly too long, lost track of time). This is the bagged variety. This tastes like a nice simple tea with not much coming out on a flavour profile except a slight mineral note, mostly just tastes “tea”-like to me.
I enjoy a simple cup of tea now and again, but I think I’ll mostly just be saving this for when my mother visits.