Super excited as this is my first single-estate Indian tea!
Intoxicating fruity, spicy, malted sugar, and floral aroma. More complex and beautiful than many of my Chinese oolongs! Most resembles a dancong oolong or a white tea in aroma.
The liquor tastes tangy and citrusy. It is sweet but not a caramelised malty dessert sweet, more a natural fruit sugar sweet. Great tea body and mouthfeel, pairs well with my sweet yoghurt breakfast. I might try adding sugar to the tea another time just for laughs but it doesn’t need it.
Steeped 2.5g of leaf in ~6oz of water at 183˚F for 4 minutes, as per instructions.
Flavors: Citrus, Fennel, Floral, Hay, Malt, Mango, Passion Fruit