Update: Realised I hadn’t de-scaled my kettle after about a month of use, wondering if this might have contributed to the mineral / metallic taste. Keep having #waterissues with this tea unfortunately. Would love to try another sample in future.
1st infusion: (25s)
Light, floral, buttery, beautiful. Although, I have to note that something roastier and less sweet would have paired better with my sweet waffle breakfast. Not the tea’s fault of course!
2nd infusion: (35s)
Actually tastes really light, not as flavourful as the last time. There’s also a thin metallic note that I don’t like very much (the 铁 in 铁观音?).
3rd infusion: (45s)
Fuller than the 2nd infusion actually. Lingering but thin buttery and floral notes.
4th infusion: (65s)
Steeped for longer than recommended to get more flavour. Of course, then it ended up tasting slightly astringent. Don’t think I can do a 5th steeping.
Flavors: Butter, Floral, Metallic, Vegetal