15575 Tasting Notes

drank Maple Pecan Oolong by Butiki Teas
15575 tasting notes

So I have to say…Hats off to Stacy! I have not had much luck with oolongs lately – there’s always this weird taste that pokes through the flavouring and makes me cringe. While my sample isn’t quite what the final product landed on since stacy was kinda enough to toss in a sample for me of the pre-final version, i’m certain that the final version is as amazing! I tried this right after the grapefruit tea sample that stacy provided (tasting note on that later omg) and so my mouth was in citrusy heaven. I had absentmindly picked up my tea for a sip while talking to my other half and it shocked me so instantly that i forgot what i was saying as a small “OH!” escaped my lips. I immediately told Ian he had to try it. This blend is superb! I’m not sure what i was expecting when i tried it, but clearly it wasn’t what i was hit with to interupt my thoughts!

There is a creamy delicious maple sweet goodness in this tea that is amazing! I drink all my tea straight, and this is almost too sweet for me – ian even asked if i had put sugar in my tea this time. For those worried about the sweet factor, it’s perfect in this blend to bring together the woodsy, maple tones of the tea.

I will absolutely need to order some of this tea for over the fall/winter. It reminds me of the festival d’hiver that we used to celebrate in school – pouring maple syrup into the snow and rolling it on to the wooden popsicle sticks to make a delicious treat!

Daisy Chubb

My gosh Sil, your reviews!
I’ve been waiting for money to come in forEVER so I can finally place my order with Stacy – your reviews make me wish I could order everything right this second!


Daisy.. i HIGHLY recommend this one and the grapefruit if you are a fan of either maple or grapefruit. Now I love a lot of stacy’s teas…pretty much only the oonlongs have not agreed with me…but THIS! THIS! Ooolong makes me wanna do a happy dance.


Mmmmm how I miss pouring real, fresh maple syrop onto snow and twirling it onto a popsicle stick. This is definetly on my list to order from butiki.


Ohhh Tattooed_Tea yes!! We used to do this too! :) I need some of this tea :)

Butiki Teas

Hmmmm, I’ve never heard of pouring maple onto snow to make a treat before. That sounds kind of interesting. :)


Stacy its wonderful…. Th maple syrup is fresh and hot….youur it into the snow and who
E it’s cooling you’re wrapping it around a Popsicle stick and then it hardens.


That’s when it cools you wrap it around….stupid phone.

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drank Apricot Guayusa by Butiki Teas
15575 tasting notes

So I’ve been slacking in the posting department for the past couple of days and that’s likely to continue. I’m guessing i’m going to need to do some serious backlogging when I get back from vacation. I ordered this as part of Butiki’s Summer Sampler before it went away. I love the mango lassi and cantelope and cream so I figured it was a safe bet and a chance to try this one and the almond indulgence (stacy was out of pistachio ice cream so i scored this one instead, which is A-ok by me!). Anyway this is a really nice apricot tea. As is usually the case with stacy’s tea it’s subtle but not lacking. What I like about this tea is the earthy spricot taste that others have commented on. It’s not that artificial taste of apricot that so many drinks try and fail at. Once again, colour me happy with stacy’s wonderful teas

190 °F / 87 °C 6 min, 30 sec

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drank Grapefruit Dragon by Butiki Teas
15575 tasting notes

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drank Cantaloupe and Cream by Butiki Teas
15575 tasting notes

mmm afternoon tea to go with my lunch. I’m glad theres another order of this one on the way – i snagged a summer sampler before they went away to restock on this as well as try a few new blends. Today, this one reminds me of spring…something to look forward to while fall starts to settle in here.


K, I’m tired of drooling all over my keyboard every time I read a review for this tea. Just placed my first Butiki order :)

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drank Chocolate Phoenix Chai by Verdant Tea
15575 tasting notes

I will need to revisit the rating on this one when i get a chance to work my way through the various steepings. This morning i was in a rush so a few steepings got made and dumped into my tracvel mug heh. I must say that the smell from the steeped leaves was the LEAST pleasant smell i’ve had from verdant ever. The opened bag has a loevely scent but I don’t care for the steeped leaves. Luckily the tea itself is nothing like the smell :) This is a very light chai, i actually prefer Verdant’s other chai. That being said, I need to give this one another run through before i land on a solid conclusion.


I steeped this in milk and added honey which was the favorite way with this one with me. It brought out the best of the vanilla, cocoa, and saffron warmth. I always try different methods with tea and when I thought of this as Chai instead of regular tea and played around with it a bit…the lovely flavor emerged.


Oh Bonnie it sounds really amazing this way


Thanks for the recommendation Bonnie. I may try this tonight if i get a spare moment.


Ysaurella, if I could afford to visit my Nephew David in Paris where you are, and drink this tea when Winter comes and the city is full of lights…now that would be amazing!


agree Bonnie …if you come in Paris especially in winter in addition of this wonderful tea, try a cup of Esprit de Noël in a Mariage Frères salon de thé : the magic of Christmas would be there

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drank Cheesecake Matcha by Matcha Outlet
15575 tasting notes

Another matcha smoothie this morning, this time with a dash of pear matcha as well. All i can say is that i’m starting to scrape the bottom of my cheesecake tin and that makes me sad. I really need to place another order sooner rather than later. heh

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Mmmmmm reeived my verdant order in the mail today and realized that I need to try a few of the blends before I go on vacation in case I need to. Order more before they slip away for good. Since I’d had a bit of along day I decided to try this one first for a relaxing evening tea. First steep and what I get here is all about the minty goodness with just an adage of chamomile to blend it I nicely. No chocolate yet but we’ll see what future steeps bring. Quite happy with this one as its a great evening tea…relaxes me.

Autistic Goblin

I have some in my cupboard but haven’t tried it yet (what’s the matter with me?) I’ll try it tonight :D


i like this one.. it’s interesting. :)

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Hard to believe i’m the first to review this on Steepster, especially since I know that according to their website Azzrian has tried this! However, maybe something happened in the database or something. In anycase this is a lovely chai. I don’t make it with milk or honey – it’s straight up for me. This particular Masala Chai is very smooth and blended well. It wouldn’t be my go to chai, but in a pinch it will do. I prefer the tastes that are in verdant’s chai but this is still a really nice blend. I really enjoy trying different chai’s to see how different companies blend the spices.

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drank Caramel Matcha by Red Leaf Tea
15575 tasting notes

Soooo i’m a little sad today. I finished off the last of my caramel matcha – the first matcha i ever tried from redleaf! The good news is that I should soon have another version of the caramel to try as long as the canada post cooperates with me. I blended this 2:1 ratio with the cheesecake matcha in my smothies this morning and my god it’s wonderful! I’m already considering ordering another large size of this same caramel in case i don’t like the base of the one coming. I kinda of wonder how long 30g should last if you’re using one teaspoon in a serving. Maybe i’ll be god and track the next one to see how long it takes me to go through :)
Either way, I am 100% satisfied with my matcha adventure with red leaf. Not sure how i’m goin to survive with no matcha for a week on vacation…hmmmm…


Why no matcha? Add matcha to bottle of water, juice, milk, whatever and shake it up! More convenient than loose leaf actually.


hmmm i guess i should try it this way an see if i enjoy it as much as in the blender/smoothie style. If i do, you make a good point! :)

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It needed a warm tea to end the night. I’ve been reacting strongly to cinnamon lately so I wanted to stay away from any tea with even a bit of it in it. I still enjoy this tea a bunch. It’s a really light, creamy green tea.

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So no real clue what to write about myself here. A friend got me into drinking loose tea and it’s something I thoroughly enjoy though I have nowhere near the experience that many folks on the boards seem to have.

My other interests are cycling, reading, board games, disney cruises, world of warcraft and dancing – in no particular order. I love travelling as well!

Most of that is on hold these days though, including tea drinking like I used to as I have a new little one who eats up all my spare time.


Toronto, ON

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