I think i figured out the trick to this matcha this morning. Add cheesecake matcha to it! Lol I discovered this morning that adding a bit of cheesecake matcha to the mocha matcha helps bring more creaminess to the mocha matcha and offset the strong coffee/chocolate taste. Totally digging this today :) go go morning matcha smoothie!
Haha I do like teh coffee taste but its….I dunno I can’t explain it its coffee but yet not. Adding the cheesecake to it makes it much more coffee/mocha like. It’s almost like the milk I use doesn’t give it quite enough creamy :)
Iiinteresting. But I thought you liked the coffee taste.. Or is it too chocolatey?
Haha I do like teh coffee taste but its….I dunno I can’t explain it its coffee but yet not. Adding the cheesecake to it makes it much more coffee/mocha like. It’s almost like the milk I use doesn’t give it quite enough creamy :)
Is the mocha flavor more coffee or chocolate?
Rachel – I’d go with more chocolate than coffee. Was thinking of adding a bit of my cofee matcha to it next time as well heh.