Another Jenier that’s kind of weird. I’m not having the best of luck with these. This is a black/green blend, flavoured with…what? It contains cornflowers and mallow flowers, but they’re not contributing much in the way of taste. The black and green teas are mostly what I’m getting, and the effect isn’t 100% pleasant. I gave up and read the description – the black teas are assam and Ceylon, the variety of green tea isn’t specified, and the flavour is supposed to be blackberry. Well, well. I’m not sure I’d have guessed.
The black teas are quite strong and astringent, and the green tea tastes pretty murky. The recommendation was to brew this in boiling water, which is what I did, but I think next time I’ll try letting it cool for a bit. That might help the green a little – I imagine it certainly can’t do any harm. There is a hint of fruitiness now that’s what I’m focusing on, but I wouldn’t say it’s specifically blackberry. What this is, mostly, is bitter.
That’s perhaps apt given my mood at the moment, but it’s not the tea for me right now. Back to the drawing board with this one, I think.