I threw the last of this sample in a thermos flask today, because I wanted tea on the way to and at university. So, grandpa style brew. It’s a two hour journey down to the university and the traffic can be horrendous, so I always like to have a drink with me in case I stop on the way. Anyway, it stood up to the abuse very well did this tea. It was rich, earthy, mellow and lasted well with top-ups from the boiler in the staff kitchen. Having tested it to destruction and enjoyed the result, I have decided to increase my rating of this tea. I may well invest in more of it now. But first I must test my other teas to destruction too. Which pu shall I abuse next week? ;)
205 °F / 96 °C
8 min or more
2011 Canton Tea Co Special Puerh. I read the review and if you still have some, I remember it had great energy. You’ll need that to yell and the blasted traffic on the way to Nottingham. “Get out of the B…y road you toad!”